Social networks. It’s time to evolution

Ratushny A
2 min readApr 10, 2022

All the time when old stuff fails, cease to be comfortable or go out of fashion, we want to buy new one. New cars, new gadgets, new clothes… We’re trying to have useful, modern things appropriate to our needs. But what about other side of our life, the side where we’re online?

Do we have appropriate social networks right now? Of course, we don’t have. They are outdated tools that trade our data and are now mostly propaganda weapons. We need a fresh air in the space, we are in necessity to evolute here.

Fortunately, with the appearance of blockchain technology, we have the chance now to get independent and uncensorable web3 social platform to communicate freely and earn money. Web3 social networks give us decentralization, lack of censorship, reliable data protection, and content monetization. With the Solcial we’ll be able to get interesting and useful content, to have fun chatting with our friends, at the same time, we will not be imposed «the only correct information» from above.

Solcial is the absence of censorship and propaganda, protection against data leakage, a convenient tool for monetization for both content creators and other users. The project is building above the Solana blockchain which means low fees and high speed for users.

You can see the project roadmap below

While the project is preparing for launch, its native SLCL token is already being traded on 3 exchanges: Kucoin, Raydium and Mexc

More useful links here

