Knowledge it’s gold! Golden – modern gold on a blockchain

Ratushny A
4 min readJan 25, 2022

Let’s start with a question, because is the key word for the project I want to talk about. Knowledge is a key for… Wealth? Success? Health? Happiness? Maybe anything else?

I think there is another word should appear. What about Everything? That’s right, knowledge is the key to everything you want to achieve in your life. Yeah, it’s simple, everybody knows it. But here other questions are appearing. Where should we get this knowledge, and is it the knowledge we’re really looking for? Both, individuals and scientific institutions, large companies and industries are constantly in need of obtaining reliable, accurate information.

Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, we’re living in the world filled with information. It’s everywhere. Just grab it and be happy. Correct? Not at all, Information ≠ Knowledge ≠ Everything. What we really need to achieve the goal is an accurate information. So, where to get it? Where to find the information?

How should we rate accuracy and fairness of information we’ve found? It’s the task

Project Golden intends to solve the task by applying blockchain technology for rating accuracy of information.

The project appeared not just today, but has been in constant development and improvement since 2019. During the period, with the help of a16z, who is on the board, Golden has raised about $20m of total founding. Not a bad start?

Caution! There will be complex words below

Honestly, it was the first time I came across some of definitions down there, when I was trying to understand what is the way the project intends to resolve the task, and what are its tools. But it’s not about you, of course. Anyway, I think we need a short definitions’ vocabulary to understand what is going on here (I put my simple definitions in italics).

The project aims to create the first platform realizing free, decentralized graph of canonical knowledge with incentivization for data providers. The goal is to put all of the human knowledge base in one place, with free access, where decentralization and blockchain technology will ensure reliability and authority of information wherein not allow facts to be misrepresenting.

With Golden there will be one place where those who seek an information will get an information, and those, who have an information will get a reward.

In a blockchain world knowledge is a power as well as in a human world, so knowledge, the Graph can provide, can be used by Dapps and other services.

Fact triples are the elements that make up the Knowledge Graph. Fact Triples or SPO Triples (Triples) - these are things, composed of a subject, the predicate, and its object. These are three characteristics of an object which in conjunction with each other describing it quite accurately.

For example: Gold it’s a Precious Metal, or Apple it’s an Eatable Fruit (not a device!)

Triples main task is to describe an object in a machine-understandable way. The protocol supports a rich set of triples types, qualifiers and associated evidence.

So, how it works in three steps

  • “Someone” with an information is submitting it in the triples form on the platform
  • Validators and predictions from the knowledge graph itself decide if triples are accepted
  • If it’s accepted, the information is placed on the platform, became a part of a Knowledge Graph

What is the point?

  • All of us - get what we need - the accurate knowledge base
  • “Someone”-gets rewarded if information is accepted (accurate, approved by validators and the knowledge graph)
  • Validators - get rewarded for the knowledge graph construction
  • Everybody is happy

Why is Golden so special?

  • large scale knowledge graph
  • progressive research engine
  • simple text edition tools
  • information confirmed by the consensus mechanism
  • transparent knowledge assessment system
  • free knowledge for everyone
  • data as an NFT
  • rewards for triples

… and many more

So, let’s leave Wikipedia in the outdated web 2.0, today, with the Golden, we’re going into the web 3.0 era!

Here you can take a look how the UI looks like

Or, if you are “Someone”, you can place a triplet on the site already. And if your application accepted, who knows, maybe you’ll get some tokens in the future.

Some of the project backers and advisors

More about the project you can find here:

Classic website version:

Decentralized website version:



I know, too many questions mark in the article. I’ll give you another two. Can you get gold without knowledge? Can you get knowledge without a question?Get your gold along with the Golden protocol!


