Web3 social networks vs web2. It’s time to throw out the junk.

Ratushny A
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

Tell me, do you use your push-button cell phone today, which is stuffed with 10 ringtones to choose from and 5 pre-installed applications, without the ability to install new ones? What about your VHS or DVD player? Yeah, I love it too (somewhere in the past). So, what about social networks? Are their features still actual nowadays?

Have you ever thought about why there is a lot of noise about web3 recently? It’s the future! It has more open and smarter concept! Its user oriented etc. A lot of loud and smart words describe the idea, but what does it give us, ordinary users? I think, web3 is a perfect tool to modernize almost any tech area.

Let’s have a look what web3 could bring into social networks. What are they today, good or bad? The truth is that they’ve become ordinary, greedy monopolists, they are outdated and we can’t rely on them anymore. Yes, they’re trying to offer us some modern features, occasionally, but the frame is the same. How is the frame looks like? Web2 social networks are not reliable, centralized, censored, they sell our data etc. They use us to enrich themselves.

Compared to web2, web3 social networks give us decentralization, lack of censorship, reliable data protection, and what is most interesting, with web3 you’re able to monetize your content.

So, what can we have? Project Solcial it’s web3 social network based on the Solana blockchain, where you can communicate, earn, trade, etc. Your favorite NFTs are also included! In a few words Solcial is building uncensored, reliable, user-friendly hub for chatting and sharing content, where you’re the owner of your data.

But if you think like: “Wow, lets spam everything here, and get rewarded with it”, you’ll be disappointed. It doesn’t work like that. You should bring some valuable content into the space, to be rewarded. How many can you earn, well, it depends on you. And Solcial will provide you with the fair, decentralized, uncensored space, where you’ll be able to communicate with interesting people on ANY topic that interests you, find useful information, chat with your friends and construct your own business.

The project already successfully closed their seed round led by Alameda Research, with participation from Solana Capital, Rarestone Capital, GBV, Shift Capital, and Noia Capital. A total of $2.9 million was raised. Solcial is targeting a launch for Q4 this year, with a fair launch allowing people to earn the network token for free through an innovative farming program.

So, maybe it’s time to throw this web2 rubbish out of your life?

